before you unpack

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4 Things To Do Before You Unpack

Congratulations on becoming a homeowner, or moving into your next home. There are a few things that you can do before you begin to unpack that will set you up for success and help to make your new house a home. Here are a few tips to tackle before you unpack:

A Fresh Coat Of Paint Before You Unpack

Whether you are planning to paint yourself or have a professional come in and take care of the job, you will likely want to do this before you unpack. You might even consider taking a few extra days to move in so that you can tackle this before there is even anything in the house.


Painting is so much easier when you don’t have to worry about moving a bunch of furniture out of the way. And you don’t have to worry about tarping everything since there won’t be anything to watch out for. If you can’t paint before you move in, we recommend moving in the necessities and leaving everything else in the garage or basement so that you don’t have as much to maneuver around.


Give The House A Deep Clean

Even if the house looks freshly cleaned when you move in, it is always recommended to clean the house before you unpack. You want to start off on the right foot. Make sure to get into all the nooks and crannies, wipe out all of the cupboards and steam clean carpets.


We also think it’s wise to invest in duct cleaning. Duct cleaning is a great way to cut down on dust buildup, and improve the air quality in your home. It will also help to eliminate any allergens like pet dander from the previous owner. This is also a great time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and change your furnace filter.

Tackle Small Renovations & Large Deliveries

Maybe you want to do a reclaimed barn board feature wall or spruce up the bathroom in your new home. If you have the time and the funds, it’s great to do this before you unpack. Maybe even before you do the deep clean as recommended above so that you can clean up all the construction mess in one shot.


If you are also planning on having new furniture or appliances delivered, now is a great time to do so. There will be ample space to move through your home. Plus, things will be able to be assembled with ease.

Place Large Furniture

This may seem like a no brainer, but you will want to place all of your larger furniture pieces before you start to unpack. By getting all the big pieces in place, it will help to lay out a framework of where things are best suited in the house. Plus, this means that beds will be ready to be made. Dressers will be ready to receive clothing and other items. Unpacking will be a breeze!